Rebecca Polchinski, Middle School and High School Guidance Counselor
My name is Rebecca Polchinski and I am the guidance counselor at the Mount (our campus serving grades 5th - 12th). 

My role at the Mount is to support students in their academic, social, emotional and spiritual needs. This role may sound vague or broad, but in a sense, it is! Our God has designed His people to be complex creatures, and our needs are always changing - especially for students in middle and high school! 

Student A may be struggling with turning assignments in on time, and they are falling behind in class. Student B may feel like they are having a hard time fitting in, and it is causing some tension among their usual friends. Student C may be experiencing stressors or changes that cause big emotions, like the grief that comes from losing a family member or the confusion that comes with trying to understand our purpose in life. Student D may be trying to develop their faith, but they are wrestling with God and can't begin to understand why He operates the way He does. Student E might struggle with all of the above.

The variety of these needs demands a different response for each one. Some students may need increased accountability and encouragement with their academics, while others need someone to vent their frustrations to (in a safe space and in a healthy way) so as not to hurt others or themselves. We want each student to fully become who God has created them to be, so the type of support a student receives will likely differ from their peers, because we are complex creatures! 

As we enter the 2024-2025 school year, please know I am here to partner with you in supporting your student & family, whatever that looks like! If you would like to discuss your student's progress, update us on anything related to your student or family situation, or have anything you feel you need to share/discuss with us, I am always reachable at the email above. 

Hooray to a year of fully becoming who God has created us to be! 

Grace + peace,
Ms. Polchinski 
Galatians 6:2