Shirley Sturgill, 1st Grade Aide

Hello, my name is Shirley Sturgill.  I’m originally from Montgomery County, but have lived in Winchester since 1978.  The Lord blessed me with 3 wonderful daughters, 3 beautiful granddaughters and 1 handsome grandson.   I graduated Montgomery County High ‘69 and BCTC in ‘87 with an Associate Degree in Accounting.  I worked my early adult life in factories:  Sylvania 15yrs ; Toyota 25yrs.  After retiring in 2013, I started volunteering at Clark County:  Justice 5 yrs, with 1 year thru Americorps as a Reading Interventionist.  Strode 2 yrs.  Through my church, I did “backpacking” at Shearer for 6 yrs.  I was blessed with a position at Calvary as Interventionist ‘22~23 - Summer Camp ‘23 - Instructional Asst ‘23~24.  I attend Grace Bible Church and proud to proclaim I am a Christian.  My favorite verse John 3:16 reminds me I am not worthy of His Grace.  ‘ For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believe the in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.’